2021年05月06日 16时04分
2017年,西南财经大学与美国加州大学伯克利分 校国际风险数据分析联盟 (Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk, CDAR)签署了战略合作协议
In 2017, SWUFE and Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk (CDAR) at UC Berkeley signed a strategic cooperation agreement
2018年11月,美国道富银行签署建设金融科技国 际联合实验室《合作谅解备忘录》
In November 2018, State Street signed the Memorandum of Understanding on the Construction of the FIC with SWUFE
2018 年11 月,西南财经大学与成都市人民政府 签署《推动金融科技产业发展合作协议》
In November 2018, SWUFE and Chengdu Municipal People's Government signed the "Promotion Cooperation Agreement for the Development of Financial Technology Industry"
2019年5月,西南财经大学金融科技国际联合实 验室正式成立
In May 2019, FIC was formally established